Friday, August 17, 2018

I will do sentiment analysis, recommendation system, classification, data mining

I will do sentiment analysis, recommendation system, classification, data mining


Projects Developed: Campaign Analytics, Credit UnderWriting, Cab Driver Insurance Prediction, Sentiment Analysis, Spam Filtering, Movie Recommendation, Stock Prediction

Statistical Learning Expertise:
Descriptive, Inferential and Prescriptive Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis.

Machine Learning:
Regression Models - Simple, Multiple and Logistic Regression 
Classification Problems using KNN, Decision Trees - Bagging(Random Forest) and Boosting(GBM and Xgboost), Naive Bayes, SVM and Neural Networks.

Unsupervised Learning: PCA, K-means & Hierarchical Clustering.

Model Building: Python (Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Theano, Keras, Tensorflow and BeautifulSoup)

Visualization: Python (Matplotlib, Plotly), Kibana (Elastic Search)


Version Control: GIT 

Achievements in data science competitions:
- Top 2 % finish (Placed 4/ 380) ( Vortex Machine Learning Challenge, organized by NIT Trichy on HackerEarth)
- Top 5 % finish (Placed 21 /504) (Recommendation Hackathon, organized by IIT(BHU) on Analytics Vidhya)


leroywi:Fast and uncomplicated delivery. Is always there to help!

kevinkolesky:Good work...

tomisthlm:Good Job! Quick and easy

aagam_jain:Understandable buyer. Very easy explanation of work. Great Experience.

cryptokoning:Perfect delivery, great job.

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