Saturday, February 22, 2020

Market Research And Competitive Analysis


Market Research & Competitor Research

Please contact before placing the order & i Donot have access to paid data base and all information is from public domain it will be secondary market research from internet & reports and no field/primary research.(GIg is only for market research, No acedemnic assignment)

I will perform market research. I got my MBA inance & Banking working as analyst in consultancy. 


Note 10$ basis gig will include - Industry Overview Only. Please look at gig extra

I will Help you in

  • Understand Your Target Markets 
  • Analyze Consumer Buying Behavior.
  • Identify new business opportunities and changing market trends.

  • Recognize new areas for expansion, and increase your customer base.
  • Discover potential customers and their needs.
  • Identify critical performance information about Innovation, Growth 

  • Industry Reports: market research Will include Market Overview, Driving Forces, competitier analysis, start ups, Competitive Landscapes, SWOT. Customized Market research Reports

    If requirement is not fitting any of predefined packages, please don't hesitate to contact me 



    Seller's Response:

    Aman did an excellent job with the market search I have requested, very thorough and professional search. His input has been extremely useful for my business- thank you Aman for your work! I would definitely recommend him to other buyers.

    Seller's Response:

    thanks for tip sir


    Working with Aman was great, he was faster than expected and the quality was on par to what I was expecting. Thank you Aman!


    thanks for the tip sir


    Even though I didn't have much experience on this topic to give a precise description on what I'm looking for, Aman managed to find everything I needed (even things I didn't know they were important for me). I'm very satisfied and I recomend working with him!

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