Monday, February 24, 2020

Statistical Analysis Using R, Spss Or Other


I have Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.), Mathematics | Vytauto Dižiojo Universitetas
2013 - 2017.

I can solve various practical problems of computing, optimization or data analysis in modern technology in industry and business; program and apply various specialized program packages. I offer the following mathematical and statistical analysis services using SPSS, R, MathCad, Excel, LaTex.

Descriptive statistics
, main parametric distributions, estimation, with a focus on properties of sufficient statistics and maximum likelihood estimators, hypothesis testing, one-sample and two-sample statistical inference, chi-square tests.

Correlation and regression analysis: correlation of quantitative and qualitative variables, testing correlation statistical significance, building regression models, testing models and parameters significance, solving models identification problems.

Distributional characteristics of multivariate random variables and their statistical estimation, multivariate analysis methods including multivariate regression, data reduction through the use of principal components or factor analysis, multivariate classification and clustering methods.


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