I will do data analysis using spss rstudio eviews excel and stata

Thank you for visiting my gig, This gig is designed to help with all your Statistical and Mathematical problems. I will do both quantitative and qualitative analysis for any field of statistics at various levels of research works Undergraduate level, postgraduate level, doctoral, and for corporate organizations.
Let me bless you with my wide range of experience in statistics due to teaching statistics across different levels and countries. I have over 7 years of experience with statistics, data analysis and report as well as empirical research using:
You can also contact me for advise on the perfect statistical method that you can use to analyze your data. Most people make use of statistical method that does not follow the assumptions in the data presented for analysis. With me, I can give you the best method to analyze your data
I can also do tutorials on how to use different statistical methods. After analysing data, it is important to give a comprehensive explanation of the results.
Finally, customer satisfaction is my major concern and quick delivery

icoach4you:great work. good communication.
emeraldkonsult:Great experience thank you will always give you the best...
syhan1991:Good job and excellent work
emeraldkonsult:Thank you!!
rebeccashorts:Great Work

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