Thursday, September 27, 2018

I will provide web scraping automation and export the data in a clean report format.

I will provide web scraping automation and export the data in a clean report format.


With over 5 years of engineering experience in capacities such as design, development, and testing I have been required to provide reports in each role to higher management but they almost never seem to have enough time for the raw data and explanations. So with my understanding of statistics and programming I focus on developing excel documents to handle the calculations of raw data and decrease the complexity of what seems like endless raw data to simple documents that illustrate what really matters. I will provide programming using python to scrape your target websites and export the necessary data to spreadsheets to be be analyzed and summarized for a clean and concise solution. 


aemmi84:Helped me increase my workflow

princton1:Glad I could help, and would enjoy working with you again!

edneues:Great job, great communication, great price!

princton1:Very open buyer with requirements and deadlines. Very smooth process!

thomasfahrner:Great work and helped simplify a process

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