I will solve economics questions in stata (three questions ) with unlimited revisions.

Are you looking for empirical estimations in economics?
This is the right gig for you
I am expert in empirical estimation techniques in economics using Stata. I can estimate economic models based economic theories.You can contact to run estimations in Stata using estimations techniques like:
- Linear regression Models( OLS)
- Models with Discreet Responses ( Logit, Probit, Ordered Logit, Multinomial , Poisson Regression etc.)
- Panel Data Estimation Techniques (Fixed Effect, Random Effect etc.)
- Models with both individual and country/region responses (Multilevel Logistic Regression)
- Time Series Econometrics
I am hardworking and dedicated. Please feel free to engage with me to get quality work.

batarfi:Fast deliver
batarfi:Fast deliver

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